Sunday, April 12, 2009

Seal My Happiness

So that’s how it’s like?
Closing your eyes, and seeing your ashes strike
Or expose your soul, and feeling your limbs degrading
Or meditate upon your life, and watch its colors slowly fading
How do I talk about what I don’t know?
Should I just pertain to my presence and go with the flow?
But I really haven’t discovered my purpose here
I seem strong and determined, but I’m torn and full of fear
I want to ask for help, or maybe just a smile
I never tend to succeed, but they say it’s a free trial
Deep breaths come along, and sighs of despair are released
I’ll retain my simple grin, and seal my happiness before it’s ceased

October 3, 2008


  1. What is this based on?
    It's a really good example of whats going on.
    Sealing your happiness when things go wrong is something i tend to do sometimes.I know i shouldn't but i cant help but to.I too retain my grin.

  2. My poems are always based on my true feelings at the moment. I wrote that describing how lost i am in terms of myself and my world.

    "How do I talk about what I don’t know?"
