Friday, April 17, 2009

Doomed Into Another You

Just leave me alone,
Can’t you see you’ve created what can’t be undone?
A side that nobody will see,
Unless you were there talking, somewhere, around me
I have tried to shut you off so many times over and over again
But when my ‘off’ buttons are overused, what am I supposed to do then?
I will have been doomed into another you
Another unwanted creature of unknown existence to pursue
I can’t wait to sleep, to dream
A dream that is anti-you, a dream of supreme
Though in reality, loud noises come from another unknown source
Hurts my ears to bear such a voice: striking and coarse
For a period of time I was allowed a time off
I was at the crest and left you at the trough
I can’t wait till the day of you going away
Just so that I can breathe out, once again, during the day

Jan 21, 2009


  1. hi nice blog look good i hope you can follow my blog so we can be friends.

  2. hehe I know what this is about ^_^
    you were strong, and we both pulled through :)
